Ludovic Autin
- Research Scientist, Scripps Research
Dr. Ludovic Autin completed his Ph.D. in 2005 at the French University Paris 5, studying protein-protein docking. He joined the Scripps Research Institute in 2009, where he is currently a staff scientist in Prof. Arthur Olson’s lab in the Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology. For the past decade, his work has filled the gaps existing between scientific visualization and artistic illustration leading to better understanding and a better view of highly complex scientific data: such as induced-fit molecular recognition, viral unit self-assembly, the complex mechanism of DNA structure, and crowded cellular environments.
Dr. Ludovic Autin is the lead developer of Mesoscope, a software framework dedicated to multiscale molecular modeling, the Python plugin uPy (core interface), ePMV (protein visualization in third party 3D software), cellPACK (crowded cellular molecular modeling and visualization) and GPU-accelerated cellPACK based on Unity and the cellVIEW rendering technique. He has helped develop cellPAINT2D and cellPAINTVR, tools for facilitating the dissemination of a cellular landscape model based on user interactive input.